5 Ways Charity Work Can Boost Your Self-Esteem


Taking the time to participate in charity events that feed people in need can provide a sense of accomplishment on a human level that is difficult to find in any other context. It feels good to know you’ve helped those in need, and this type of volunteer work can also bring some unexpected benefits, including an increase in self-esteem and confidence. Here's a short list of five ways charity work can help boost your self-esteem and help you feel great about yourself.

13 November 2023

Things You Might Want To Send In Military Care Packages


Whether you have a loved one in the military or you would like to sign up to receive information on military members that could use care packages, you want to make sure that you are sending them things that they can really make good use of. It is important to know that you cannot just send anything in your military care packages, and you do not want to waste money and postage on things that they won't be able to keep for their personal use.

11 May 2023

Get The Facts: Answers To Questions About Transitional Housing


If you are re-entering society, you probably have a lot of questions about incarceration transitional housing programs. How do they work? Who is eligible? What benefits can you get from them? This post answers a few frequently asked questions about these programs. By getting the facts, you can make an informed decision about whether or not this type of program is right for you or someone you know. How Do Transitional Housing Programs Work?

20 January 2023